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  • Erläuterungen

    The Wave House, 2001–4
    Yet India Lies Beyond/I See India

    Cuxhavener Kunstverein, 2001
    Outer Alster on the Feenteich, in collaboration with the Cultural Authority of Hamburg, Art in Public Spaces, and the Literature House of Hamburg, 2001
    Brodtner Steilufer near Travemünde with the Overbeck-Gesellschaft Lübeck, 2004

    Larch wood, 8.5 × 4.5 × 4 m and sound installation (texts from the novel The Waves by Virginia Woolf, 1931, varying by location).

    Tonia Christie
    Arne Dietmer
    Iris Minnich
    Dirk Ossig
    Kai Scheve
    Sylvia Schwarz
    for Cuxhaven and Hamburg

    Sophie Engert
    Jessica Kosmalla
    Peter Lieck
    Kai Scheve
    Sylvia Schwarz
    Helmuth Zuber
    for Travemünde

    With the kind permission of the Society of Authors

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